Rotate pages PDF

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4.6 How to rotate pages of a pdf as you want using API Rest


To rotate pages PDF using our API Rest is necessary to perform a POST call to the following URL (ENDPOINT):

GET Parameters

Our Rest API does not have operations via GET parameters

POST Parameters

  • api_keyApi key generated for your license. You can see your api key
    (string, required)
  • pdf_inSource PDF encoded in base64
    (string, required)
  • angleRotation angle. Rotation angle also depends of direction. If you set 90º and right direction it's the same that set 270º and left direction
    (integer, optional, values: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270, default: 0
  • directionDirection of rotation. You can specify the direction of rotation
    (string, optional, values: left | right, default: left)
  • pagesPages to rotate. In this field you can set the pages to rotate (pages number separated by comma). If you set empty all pages will be rotates.
    (string, optional, page number separated by comma)

You can make a POST call using the HTML Header application/x-www-form-urlencoded, with the parameters described above.

Or you can send parameters via the JSON format, using the HTML Header application/json:

    "api_key" : "...",          // string, required
    "pdf_in" : "...",           // string, required
    "angle" : 90,               // integer, optional, values: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270, default: 0
    "direction" : "left",       // string, optional, values: left | right, default: left
    "pages" : "1,3"             // string, optional, default: "" (all pages rotated)


    "api_key" : "64b5d1054b69e676b9984d8406c5209a6ba78...",
    "pdf_in" : "JVBERi0xLjQNJeLjz9MNCjYgMCBvYmo8PC9I...",
    "angle" : 90,
    "direction" : "right",
    "pages" : "1,3,4,6"


If the operation is successful the response is a JSON with the following structure:

    "api_key": "...",       // string - Api key used for your license
    "pdf_base64": "...",    // string - PDF file encoded in base64
    "tokens_used": "...",   // integer - Tokens used in operation
    "tokens_left": "..."    // integer - Tokens left


If an error in sending parameters occurs, the response is a JSON with the following structure:

    "errors": {
        "param1": [     // string - Parameter name that generated the error
            "message"   // string - Error description
        "param2": [
        "paramN": [

If a operation error occurs, the answer will be a JSON with the following structure:

    "errors": [