Sign PDF with image

Sign PDF with image from your browser or using our API. Set multiple options as image size and position, pages to sign and security

Supported formats: jpg, jpeg, exif, tiff, gif, bmp, png, ppm, pgm, pbm, pnm



How to sign PDF files with image

Click in browser button and then add a source PDF to sign and an image to insert into PDF. In the options you can set size and position of image within PDF

Sign with our API

Through API you can sign a PDF with an image using JSON or POST call. PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, .NET and more support these types of calls. API


  • Encrypts the PDF with password and set permissions to print, copy and modify
  • Set position and size of image
  • Best quality PDF

Secure PDF signing online

All the files you upload as well as the file generated on our server will be deleted permanently. Read our privacy policy below for more details.

Works for Windows, Mac and Linux

The web app is browser-based. So, it works for all operating systems including Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Many configuration options.

You can select the position through coordinates. Size is set to real millimeters. In this way, if, for example, the page size is A4, you could set the size and position of the image based on the size of that page.